Journey to a Mindful and Happy life
Rumah Yoga Distelweg 74 C, AmsterdamLearning how to be mindful is not easy, it is said that we should give importance to the 'here and now', but what does actually [...]
Kirtan en Prasad
KIRTAN & PRASAD a sacred gathering with music & food Kirtan, or singing mantra is a powerful Bhakti practice to open the heart and connect [...]
Gratis zwangerschapsyoga kennismakingsles
Binnenkort gaat Rumah Yoga zwangerschapsyoga aanbieden. Wil je alvast kennismaken met een les en de docente Adisti van Os, van Yoga&Soo? Kom dan kosteloos en [...]
Soulfuel Sunday – Yin Yoga XL & Sound Healing
Het thema van deze Soulfuel Sunday is: EXPLORE YOUR HEART Verwacht een hartverwarmende, diep doorwerkende ervaring tijdens deze 3 uur durende Yin Yoga XL [...]
Awareness in Motion – Spiral Flow met Howdy Tio
Rumah Yoga Distelweg 74 C, AmsterdamThis kind of training is for anyone who is into movement, bodywork, yoga or awareness/consciousness. Especially constructed for everyone to start with without any experience [...]
Sound Immersion & Tibetan Sound Bowl Meditation
Rumah Yoga Distelweg 74 C, AmsterdamYou will be guided into a world of sounds and vibrational healings with ancient Tibetan Bowls, working through all your chakras from the base to [...]
Nieuwjaarsduik! Workshop cold exposure met Ronald Aartsen
Rumah Yoga Distelweg 74 C, AmsterdamKirtan & Prasad
Rumah Yoga Distelweg 74 C, AmsterdamKIRTAN & PRASAD a sacred gathering with music & food Kirtan, or singing mantra is a powerful Bhakti practice to open the heart and connect [...]
Kundalini Yoga met Klank en Klankontspanning
Rumah Yoga Distelweg 74 C, AmsterdamKundalini Yoga met Klankbegeleiding en Klank Ontspanning ~Met Nana Zoë en Veronica Vir ~ Een veelzijdige en diepgaande reis in het lichaam via klank [...]
Workshop: Ashtanga yoga
Rumah Yoga Distelweg 74 C, AmsterdamBasic principles of Ashtanga yoga Ashtanga is a dynamic, flowing system of yoga that connects the movement of the body with the breath. Although it [...]