Ayurveda – Self knowledge to self healing
31 maart 2019 @ 14:00 - 17:00
| euro40An introduction to Ayurveda
This is your chance to get familiar with Ayurveda – the wisdom of life. Ayurveda is a sister science of Yoga as they both originate from the Veda’s (the ancient 5000 year old Sanskrit texts that hold the wisdom of life).
This 3 hour workshop is a unique way to dive into the wonders of Ayurveda. You will go home with a theoretic understanding ánd practical insights into your own constitution (Ayurvedic make-up). The second part of the workshop we enjoy the 5 elements through a special AyurYoga practise.
What you can expect of this workshop?
• Amber will start with an introduction of herself and her path towards Yoga and Ayurveda
• We go into the origin of Ayurveda, its development and current position as a system for healthcare and well being
• You will learn the basic principles of Ayurveda: the tri-doshic theory. We discuss how the 5 elements form the three bio-energies – Vata, Pitta and Kapha – and what attributes (gunas) they relate too. With a little quiz we train our ability to see the world as an expression of these gunas.
• What type are you? We discuss the physical and mental expression of the three doshas – Vata, Pitta and Kapha – in balanced and aggravated state. Do you recognize yourself in any of them?
• Individually you will make a ‘dosha-test’. This test gives you an indication of your type (prakruti) and/or current imbalance (vikruti).
• Amber will explain you the ‘golden rule’ of Ayurveda – ‘like attracts like and opposites balance’ – to balance your system.
• We take a short 15 min break.
• After the break I will guide you into an AyurYoga practice based on the fundament of Ayurveda – the 5 elements. This practise fosters the integration of the theory given in the first part so you experience yourself how you can balance the doshas through practise.
This is about 60 min practise and based on Hatha Flow Yoga.
Teacher: Alma Amber